Own nothing and control everything!
The Private Express Trust makes all of your property invisible to creditors, courts, and commercial pirates.
Private Express Trusts and Common Law Education
A trust is a contract between two people, protected by Art 1, Sec. 10 of the U.S. Constitution.
The trust is not a legal entity nor under civil law jurisdiction.
The trust owns the property, and a trustee protects the trust assets.
A private express trust is an intentionally expressed trust between two living people.
You might have heard of trust before but they are legal trusts, this is very different.
A private express trust requires no third party or government approval.
Putting your assets in the private protects them from civil law and corporate pirates.
Avoid statutory and legislative ensnarement requirements.
Avoid probate and leave real and easy wealth to your heirs.
The drafted trust option will save you months, if not years over the DIY trust option. If you are employed and/or have a typical hustle and bustle life, then having your trust documents expertly drafted is the option for you.
Private Express Trust – Drafted Trust Service
What you’ll receive:
Three 1 hour, 1-on-1 zoom meetings or phone calls
A drafted trust constitution & all supporting execution documents
All documents needed to open a bank account for the trustee
A drafted bill of sale
Trust Protector (option)
Though the drafting of the documents will be a heavy weight off of your shoulders, you’re the executive trustee and still have the duty of executing the trust and meeting with other parties for notary.
And at that point, when all the drafted documents are executed, you’ll be to make use of a wide arsenal of options as an executive trustee to a private and expressed, common-law trust.
Private Express Trust – Fully Protected Private-Private Trust
What you’ll receive:
A Drafted Private-Private Trust
Two (2) Private Security Agreements
UCC-1 Secured Party Financing Statement
BC Bond
The Full Protection Package is for those ready to extract themselves fully from the public and legal system. This option is recommended for people with many or high value assets.
Looking for an option where you can learn to write your own trust? There is nothing stopping you.
Click here for the resources to learn and draft your own trust.
Hi, I’m Raymundo Aguadiero
“The effort and energy behind this site and the content provided is to restore sovereignty. Restore the power to the people through one and only one mechanism, knowledge. I don’t believe fixing the system will take a war or protests. It will simply be a product of living men and women waking up and seeing the truth of who they are.” ~ Raymundo Aguadiero
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By Aguadiero
Book a Free 30-minute initial consultation call or a 1-hour consult with Aguadiero. Click here to schedule an appointment.
Email: raymundo@aguadiero.net
Telegram: Freedom Frequency
Signal: Private Express Trust
Instagram: Sovereign.A.F