DIY (Do it Yourself) Private Trusts
Below you will find valuable documents and templates to help you on the sovereign path and realize the power of a Private Express Trust, and the living soul. The templates and Youtube videos will give you enough info to get started. Coaching and free zoom meetings are available too.
Bringing this content to you and making it available has taken a lot of work and sacrifice. Please consider a venmo donation @aguadiero12usc411 . Any donations made can be applied to services later.
Good luck in your DIY trust journey, be sure to check out the calendar for DIY Trust Zoom sessions.
Court & Law Documents
Trust Videos
1. What Is a Trust?
2. Private Express Trusts
3. Execute the Trust
4. How to be a Trustee
5. How to Move Titles
6. Private Trust License Plates
7. Private Trust Banking
Click here for easier viewing on the Youtube channel
Click Here for more videos on our Rumble Channel
For additional help, consider Private Trust Coaching with Raymundo Aguadiero
This site required a lot of work and sacrifce. If you find value, please consider making a donation.

By Aguadiero
Book a Free 30-minute initial consultation call with Aguadiero. Click here to schedule an appointment.
Telegram: Freedom Frequency
Signal: Private Express Trust
Instagram: Sovereign.A.F