We have been taught that the Southern confederate states seceded from the Union and left the Article of Confederation because they wanted slavery and the Norther states did not. This is only a partial truth and was more of a false flag to distract the nation into supporting a war. Was there slavery? Of course. Did the South like their slavery? You bet. But to believe that Northern states and Southern states declared war on each other, killing brothers and kin over the treatment of the African-American is nothing short of lunacy. I’d suggest that the 100 years after the civil war, with segregation and the creation of the KKK, were just as bad if not worse for African-Americans.
The truth is this, the original debt term of 70 years was up in 1859. The North had been getting hammered through the deceptive trade practices of England and the original debt needed to be refinanced. Conversely, the South was rich! Slavery was not only profitable producing sugar and cotton, Louisiana and the Consolidated Association of Planters (CAPL) devised a scheme to securitize slaves and created human capital for loans and finance. Owning a slave not only meant cheap labor in the fields, it meant collateral for spendable money. Slavery was a financial boom that the broke North needed.
When the 70 debt was up, the note holder wanted more states to be security on the note. The newly added states were not obligated to pay the debt and had no incentive to. So when the North and the Federal United States trued to force the South into an agreement, not seeing that the North was not honoring the Fugitive Slave Act, the South seceded from the Union.
Civil War video (35 min)