About Aguadiero

I’m Raymundo Aguadiero.  I’ve emersed into studying what was necessary to bring this website and these offers to you. No, it wasn’t a grand plan starting off, but then again I have always been called to do something that would authentically help people, and for much of the time I couldn’t figure out what it would be. 
As my studying and research progressed I made several attempts at sharing various truths and methods, which ultimately allowed me to develop the skill of talking about these topics, which if you don’t already know is extremely challenging.
This site is a gift to the people and is for the people. The documents available for download and the videos available on the YouTube & rumble sites are free to anyone.  It’s free because the mass use of private express trusts is important; it’s a way people can authentically stand up. 
In the process of my study and research, I came across a lot of methods and know there are alternatives to trust drafting services. There are many distracting and time wasting methods. Some are clearly designed to keep you chasing your tail and others keep you in the dark for months hoping that you will get what you invested in. The value provided here is your education, the people’s education.  Even if you order a drafted trust, you cannot escape the obligation to perform as a trustee. The people have to do it. Nobody is going to come save us. 


Raymundo Aguadiero is a person created by the living man with a birth certificate that reads RAYMOND TODD SURFACE. Ray was raised near Denver, Colorado and attended undergraduate and graduate school at the Colorado School of Mines. In employment, he earned professional licensures in engineering and real estate, where he learned the faster you run, the faster the hamster wheel spins. He has an intelligent and beautiful daughter who he has tirelessly fought for in the statutory court system.
Ray has a love affair with nature and is passionate about music. He once fancied himself an athlete, playing baseball for the CSM Orediggers, but now he gets his thrills on the karaoke stage. He owes a great deal to the people that have touched his life, including his church community, and the divine healing of plants and plant medicine. 

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