It was the middle of the pandemic and I was getting anxious about being holed up for so long. I knew of some community meet ups and decided I needed to get out and participate. I found myself at a Stands Up meeting that was coming together to fight against the medical tyranny we were being exposed to. However the particular meeting I attended had nothing to do with medical tyranny. The meeting presenters were American State Nationals (ASN). As I listened something really resonated. Everything I heard was new, but it felt like I already knew it. It was as if the background questions that rattled around my brain whenever something in this world didn’t feel or seem right, somehow manifested into a reality.
I never went back to that community meeting but instead spent hours upon hours researching the concepts and hidden history discussed during the ASN presentation. A few weeks later I found the group online who had been spending tons of time trying to form an Assembly or a State Assembly. The intention was to get counties fully assembled with specific titles and roles so that the entire State could stand, and the Republic could be reestablished. The belief was that by creating and standing on a State Assembly, the Republic could take action against the corruption we have all become way too familiar with in this country. We could reestablish the constitutional republic.
In addition to standing up the Assembly and becoming a ‘State National’ we could avoid the defacto rules that we were all forced to comply with. The local State governments and Law Enforcement wouldn’t have any authority to mess with us or force our compliance if we simply educated them on who we were.
This turned out to not be true. The State and Law Enforcement had no idea what an ASN was and as time went on, more and more self proclaimed ASNs were getting into trouble with Law Enforcement and attempts to extract our obligations to the court system were not working either. Everything was starting to look like a psyops. In addition, the efforts we were making had been labeled as the “Sovereign Citizen Movement” by the FBI.
After many months went by with nothing but failure in attempts to recognizing who we really are, people began giving up on the efforts. But some of us knew there was some truth there. We had really done our research and came across one clear and obvious truth about the United States citizen. That alone was powerful. Our entire lives had been wrapped in the lie that we were actual citizens of the United States, but per the 14th amendment United States citizens could only be one thing, artificial.
The majority of the nation have all been brainwashed to accept an identity of something that is not them, of something artificial, man created. And if we were not that, what exactly were we? Everyone and their mother would say we were persons or citizens in one way or another. So being a ‘National’ appeared to be the right label. We were not of the United States so being of the American States had a certain amount of logic to it. Except for one truth, no where in our founding historical documents is a State National or American State National recognized as a thing. In fact, there is no evidence that an American State National isn’t the title to an artificial thing just like the United States citizen.
So even as ASNs study and find out the deception and lies told to us, and find the truth to historical events that have shaped and enslaved our current society, ASNs were falling for the same trap. Taking an identity that is not true and is not of God. And if you understand that everyone is presumed to be a United States citizen with those specific privileges and duties, claiming to be another artificial thing serves nobody. There is not a document in existence that can be used to demonstrate that someone is an ASN or that ASNs have any rights or privileges at all.
In fact I think it is a red flag to claim a national of any kind. The only label I’m genuinely comfortable with is that used in the Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance, a ‘free inhabitant’. Free inhabitants are recognized as being those without allegiance to an individual state or inhabiting a territory with no recognized state government. Before Colorado became the State of Colorado it was the Colorado Territory (1861-1876) and the people living on that land were free inhabitants, who are owed all of the privileges and rights as citizens of States, Article of Confederation, Art. IV.
If ASNs are artificial and the movement is a psyops, what is the point? Why ensnare and trick leagues of people who only want their freedoms recognized?
Because we are free and the solution is too easy. We cannot be kept from our sovereignty or our freedoms, but we can be deceived into being something else and claiming a false identity. Finding a secret hiking trail isn’t difficult when there is only one trail, but when there are several trails all trying to steal your attention, the right trail may be too difficult to search for. You cannot change the truth, but you can adorn the truth in so many lies that you don’t even want the truth anymore.