by ray.aguadiero | Oct 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
My personal awareness and understanding of trusts and obviously the private and expressed variety is very new. I first heard that trusts were powerful and necessary almost two years ago, and I didn’t know about what private or expressed really meant relating to trusts...
by ray.aguadiero | Mar 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
It was the middle of the pandemic and I was getting anxious about being holed up for so long. I knew of some community meet ups and decided I needed to get out and participate. I found myself at a Stands Up meeting that was coming together to fight against the medical...
by ray.aguadiero | Mar 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
March 7th, 2023 The FBI published an article in 2011 identifying the “Sovereign Citizen Movement” as a terrorist organization after 6 police officers were killed between 2000-2011 by people claiming to be ‘Sovereign Citizens”. This article alone has been used by law...